Week 1 Creation

Kids Life

In the Beginning


Read Bible Lesson from an NIV Adventure Bible. Read Genesis 1: 1-26. Stop. Save creation of man for next week.

After the Bible Story review the main points then repeat, repeat and repeat:

1. God is the creator of heaven and earth
2. God is powerful He spoke the world into being.

After the Bible Story, review the main points by saying something like this:

Wouldn’t be awesome if you could speak something into being? What if you could say “homework be done” or “room be clean” and just like that (snap finger) it was done? That would be so awesome! But we can’t do that, can we? Only God the creator of heaven and earth is that powerful, huh? God is so powerful He just spoke this world into being. God is so powerful that even the wind and the waves obey Him? God just spoke this world into being. God can do anything. God is the creator of heaven and earth and nothing is impossible for Him.

Ask the children these questions:

Q. God is so powerful He just (blank) this world into being?
A. Spoke

Q. On the first day, God said “let there be (blank)”
A. Light

Q. God called the light (blank) and the darkness (blank)
A. Day Night

Q. On the second day, God spoke and created (blank)
A. The sky and the earth

Q. On the third day God spoke to the waters and what happen?
A. God gathers the waters together in one place so that dry ground appeared.

Q. On the fourth day, God said, “let there be lights in the sky.” What lights appeared in the sky?
A. Sun, moon and stars.

Q. On the fifth day God spoke and what appeared?
A. The fish and birds appeared.

Q. On the sixth day, God created the (blank)
A. animals. Say “God also created Adam on the sixth day and we’ll learn all about that next week."

Skit for Creation: Professor Worldly:

Kids Life

You: some people think that this great big complicated world made itself. Now isn’t that silly? I have a special guest here today. Professor worldly. He believes the world made itself. But boys and girls we know that’s not true, right? I want you to help me teach him the truth. I’m going to call Professor Worldly out here in a minute. When I’m done and as Professor Worldly leaves I want you to shout, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” But wait for my cue. Professor Worldly walks in looking at his new watch (cheap, from the dollar store).

You: “Boys and Girls this is Professor Worldly, he teaches science at the local college.”

You: Professor Worldly whom do you consider to be the greatest scientist in the world?

Professor Worldly: Oh, that’s easy, Isaac Newton.

You: Didn’t he discover the theory of gravity?

Professor Worldly: Yes, he did, and much more. He was a brilliant man.
(Professor Worldly is still preoccupied with his watch.)

You: Did you know that Isaac Newton believed God created the heaven’s and the earth?

Professor Worldly: Yes, he did, but he was wrong about that.

You: Professor Worldly you think this world created itself?

Professor Worldly: Why yes, I do! I believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Then he looks at his watch.

You: Ask him why he keeps looking at his watch?

Professor Worldly: I just got a new watch. It’s great. It has GPS and WIFI. It even tracks my heart rate and blood sugar levels. It’s the smartest watch in the world just like I am the smartest professor in the world.

You: Ask him if you can look at his watch.

Professor Worldly steps back in shock and says “no way, I love this watch.”

(You talk him into giving you the watch. Then you put the watch in a cloth eyeglass case that has a drawstring that can be closed. Then you take a hammer and hit the bag hard several times with the watch in it. Open the bag and let the broken watch fall on the table so the kids can see it.)

Professor: “Oh my gosh! What in the world have you done? You destroyed my watch!”

You: Say, wait a minute, everything is going to be okay. This is an easy fix.

Professor: WHAT, how can this be an easy fix?

You: All the parts of the watch are going lift themselves up in the air and
come together to form a perfect watch.

Professor: That’s impossible! A watch can’t make itself.

You: Wait, what did you say?

Professor: That’s impossible! A watch can’t make itself.

You: And the world didn’t make itself either. That would be impossible! Scoop up watch pieces and hand them to the professor.

You: Boys and girls is there something you want to say to Professor Worldly.

Class and You: In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Everyone says as they wave goodbye to Professor Worldly.

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Week 2

Breath of Life

NIV Adventure Bible. Read Genesis 2:7-10, & 2:15-25. Stop. Save the fall for next week.

After the Bible Story review main points then repeat, repeat and repeat:

1. God created Adam from the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into him.
2. God created man in His image.
3. God created man to be in a relationship with Him.
4. Garden, perfect life. Fellowship w/God, no sickness or death.

After the Bible Story, review the main points by saying something like this:

The Bible tells us that God our Father in heaven (point up with index finger) formed Adam from the dust of the ground. Then God breathed the breath of life into Adam’s nose and Adam came to life. Wow, how awesome is that? Imagine going to the beach and making a dolphin in the sand. How cool would it be if you could breathe the breath of life into it? But we don’t have the power to do that, do we? Only God does. With God anything is possible. God created Adam from the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into him.

The Bible tells us that God created us in His own image. Some of you maybe you have your dad’s nose or your mother’s hair but all of us were created in the image of God our Father in heaven. When you see someone showing acts of love such as kindness, forgiveness or generosity you are seeing the image of God your Father in them.

God said it’s not good for man to be alone, so He put Adam in a deep sleep and took out one of his ribs and created Eve. God performed the first surgery. Have you ever had surgery or know someone who had surgery? We learned how to do that from God.

God created a man and a woman, Adam and Eve. He put them together as husband and wife. God gave them an assignment. He told them to multiply and Nooooooo God was not giving them math homework. He wanted them to have children just like you. So, when your parents had you they were obeying God.

In the beginning, God created mankind in His own image. In the image of God, He created them. Male and female, He created them.

Hammer #You nailed it! 

Q. Who was the first person God created?
A. Adam

Q. God formed Adam from the (blank)?
A. Dust of the earth.

Q. God breathed the (blank) into Adam’s nostrils?
A. Breath of life.

Q. We were all created in the image of (blank)?
A. God our Father in heaven.

Q. What is the name of the helper God made for Adam?
A. Eve

Q. Where did Adam and Eve live?
A. Garden of Eden

Q. In Genesis 1:28 God told Adam and Eve to multiply. Was He giving
them math homework?
A. No, God wanted them to have children.

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Week 3

The Fall of Man

NIV Adventure Bible. Read Genesis all of chapter 3. 3:1-24.

After the Bible Story review the main points:

1. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. And sin came into the world.
2. Adam and Eve choose to believe the words of the devil over God’s words.
3. Because Adam and Eve sinned against God, they became separated from God. From then on all of us were born into a sinful world separated from God.
4. Life was hard outside of the garden. Now there was sickness and death.

After the Bible Story, review the main points by saying something like this:

Adam and Eve had a wonderful life in the garden of Eden. The greatest thing about the garden of Eden was that God visited them every evening. Did you know that there was no sickness or death in the garden? Have you ever been sick? It isn’t fun to be sick, is it? Have you ever known someone who had cancer or who died? That’s sad, isn’t it? That wasn’t God’s plan for us, was it?

But all of that changed when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. God warned Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that they would die. But they chose to believe the lies of the devil instead of believing God’s word which is true. “God is not a human, that He should lie…” Numbers 23:19 NIV. Now sin had entered the garden. God is Holy and couldn’t allow sin in the garden. God punished Adam and Eve. God made them leave the garden of Eden.

Ask the children these questions:

Q. The devil was disguised as a (blank)?
A. Snake

Q. God said they could eat from all the trees in the garden except the tree
of (blank)?
A. Knowledge of good and evil.

Q. God said that Adam and Eve would (blank) if they ate from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil?
A. They would die. Explain, that Adam and Eve didn’t die the moment
they ate from the tree, but someday they would die. And thereafter
everyone born into this lost and fallen world would also die one day
instead of living forever.

Q. The serpent told Eve that if she ate from the tree
her eyes would be opened, and she would be like (blank)?
A. God.

Q. Adam and Eve choose to believe the lie of (blank) over God’s truth.
A. The serpent, devil

Q. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree their eyes were
opened and they realized they were (blank)?
A. Naked

Q. God told the serpent that he would crawl on his (blank) and would eat
(blank) for the rest of his days.
A. Belly and dust.

Q. God told Eve that her pains in childbirth would be (blank)?
A. Severe.

Q. God told Adam “(blank) is the ground because of you; through painful
toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.”
A. Cursed.

Q. Adam and Eve made themselves clothes out of (blank)?
A. fig leaves

Q. God made Adam and Eve clothes out of (blank)?
A. animal skin

Q. Did God still love Adam and Eve after they sinned?
A. YES, very much!

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Week 4

The Redemption of Man

Read Bible Lesson from an NIV Adventure Bible. Read Luke 1:26-38 Luke 2:1-14, Luke 4:38-44.

Main points:

  • Adam and Eve became separated from God. The only way to get to God was through priests and prophets.
  • So, God sacrificed an animal to cover their sin, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
  • God put baby Jesus in the virgin Mary’s tummy and He was born in a manger in Bethlehem.
  • Jesus proved He was God’s Son.

After the Bible Story review the main points by saying something like this:

Last week we learned that because Adam and Eve sinned they had to leave the Garden of Eden. But first God made garments of skin from an animal to clothe them. So, God sacrificed an animal to cover their sin. It’s sad that an animal had to die so Adam and Eve wouldn’t be naked. Do you know that the Bible tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin?

Adam and Eve’s sin had separated them from God. Have you ever been separated from your mom and dad? It’s scary, isn’t it? That’s how it was for God’s people, they were separated from God their Father in heaven. The only way to hear from God was through priests and prophets. The only way to get forgiveness of sins was for a blood sacrifice of an animal to be made by the high priest once a year at the temple.

You couldn’t go directly to God. And this broke God’s heart. But God had a plan. When Adam and Eve left the garden, God promised to send a savior to the world. God is so awesome, you know what He did? He sent His Son, who was with Him in heaven and put Him in the virgin Mary’s tummy as baby Jesus. Jesus was born in a manger in the town of Bethlehem. Jesus, God’s Son came into the world as a person just like us. Jesus grew up and proved He was the Son of God.

As a child, He was wiser than any priest. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and even raised the dead. Have you ever been to a funeral? Can you imagine being at a funeral where Jesus brings a dead person back to life? How exciting would that be? He performed many miracles that proved He was the Son of God.

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Week 5


Read Bible Lesson from an NIV Adventure Bible. Read Luke 23:33-38, Luke 23:44-48 Luke 24:1-8, Luke: 24:36-44, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:50-52.

Review the main points by saying something like this:

Jesus chose to die on the cross for our sins. His blood was shed for our sins. While Jesus was on the cross the sun stopped shining and it was only noon. It didn’t shine again until 3 o’clock. The sun has never stopped shining for that long not even for an eclipse. A solar eclipse is when the moon moves directly between the sun and the earth, this is a rare occurrence. And the darkness lasted for a few minutes.

When Jesus died on the cross the temple curtain was torn in half. God was telling His people that they were no longer separated from Him. We no longer need to go to a priest to get to God. We can go directly to God now in the name of Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the light no man comes to the Father but by me.” John 14:6-7

There was an earthquake and many graves of holy people opened. And they were raised from the dead and went into the city among the crowds of people.

God wanted to prove that Jesus was really His Son.

Some of the soldiers who helped put Jesus on the cross were terrified and said, “surely he was the Son of God!” Matthew 27:54.

But that wasn’t the end of the story, was it? Death couldn’t keep Jesus in the grave. On the third day, He rose from the grave. He met with all His disciples and hundreds of other people. He taught them many more things.

Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved. Mark 16:15-16

Jesus said that He was going to prepare a place for us in heaven. Which means He will return for us some day.

To enter the kingdom of heaven you must be born again:

At birth you’re born into a sinful world with a sinful nature, this is how your physical life begins. Your tiny helpless body needs air and food to grow healthy and strong. Before long you’re able to walk, talk and care for yourself. That’s your first birth, your physical birth.

Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3. To become born again you have a Spiritual birth. You become a new person in Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)

How do you become born again?

You: This like the ABCs mixed up plus G

B. Believe Jesus is God’s Son and that He died on the cross for your sins
and rose again on the third day. John 3:16, Luke 23:46, Luke 24:6
C. Confess your sins. 1 John 1:9
A. Ask Jesus into your heart. John 1:12
G. Give your life to the Lord by listening to and obeying His word.
James 1:22

Lead children in a Prayer of Salvation

I know I was born into a sinful world
I have sinned
Please forgive me of all my sins.

I believe Jesus is your Son and that He died in the cross for me and rose again on the third day.

Jesus, I give my heart to you. Please come into my heart and make it your home. I will listen to your word and obey you.
I will love you and follow you all the days of my life. Amen

Give each child a card with this prayer written on it.

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